Team /
Advisory Board
Prof Thammarat Koottatep

Prof Thammarat Koottatep at Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand, directs the ‘South East Asia Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Hub’ for decentralised water and sanitation.
Prof Blanca Antizar

Prof Blanca Antizar is European Director of Isle Utilities – an international water technology company. Blanca is recipient of many prestigious prizes for her innovative water engineering solutions.
Prof Cesar Rossa Mota Filho

Prof Cesar Rossa Mota Filho, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil directs the Brazilian, National Institute of Science and Technology on Sustainable Sewage Treatment Plants.
Prof Caetano Dorea

Prof Caetano Dorea leads the PH2E laboratory at the University of Victoria and works in communities across the world, from Malawi to the Amazon and with Nunavik Innuits in Northern Canada. He is an expert in water supply for disaster relief and works with refugees, currently in Bangladesh.
Prof Elise Cartmell

Prof Elise Cartmell FRSE is SW’s Chief Scientist and previous head of Cranfield’s Water Science Institute, where she led a major Gates Foundation project pioneering new approaches for decentralised treatment which led to Cranfield University receiving the Queens Anniversary Prize in Further and Higher Education for Water and Sanitation.
George Ponton

George Ponton is Head of Research and Innovation at Scottish Water. He is a Chemical Engineer by training and has nearly 30-years’ experience in the water industry across project / programme delivery, regulation and research and innovation. He has led SWs partnership on many UKRI research grants and sits on the Industry Steering Board for WIRE CDT. He recently set up the Hydro Nation Chair Research and Innovation Programme, a partnership with University of Stirling. He leads SW engagement with UK Water Industry Research, who deliver collaborative research on behalf of the UK and Irish Sector and was part of the cross-industry team that developed the UK water sector innovation strategy.