Faroe Islands Water Policy Field Trip


Drinking Water system, Faroes Dr Jill Robbie travelled to the Faroe Islands between 1-4 May to meet with water policy makers and other stakeholders. Her visit included meeting with Torbjørn Bæk, one of the water managers for the Tórshavnar Municipality, and a tour around the drinking water system.

Jill is a member of the International Scientific Committee for the 1st Islands Water Congress which is being held in the Faroe Islands between 4-6 September 2024.

The theme of the congress will be “Freshwater and Islands: Administration, Collaboration, and Innovation.” The Islands Water Congress aims to create a forum for island-specific responses to water opportunities and challenges. It will be a celebration of freshwater within an island context, and will be policy-relevant and useful for water professionals working in islands.